Agriculture – Benefits of applying NECON include:
Plant fortification and prevention of crop-killing fungi
Disinfection of bacteria and germs
Improved root growth, for more robust, healthy plants
Softened sprinkling water due to elektrolysis process
Deposit effect throughout water circulation system
Overhead sprinkling without legionellae hazard
NEW: Special anti-arsenic electrodes (using same systems ! )
This application is less about quality of the water as such, rather using NECON-treated water as a medium to apply the NECON effect
- to plants / crops, and
- to all kind of surfaces (eg stables in animal farming).
Same time, both approaches may be complementary in a holistic approach to rural development:
With the inclusion of appropriate filtration (cf. NEC-10000), reservoirs with NECON water
- may feed irrigation systems, and
- serve the population with drinking water.
Successes with NECON water in fruit growing in Bangladesh
Mr. Shaikh Abdur Rahim, CEO of NECON's Bangladeshi partner company Bay Consortium Ltd., introduces the field trials with NECON-treated water.
Irrigation with NECON water clearly prevented fruit-killing fungi on lychee and mango trees.
Even more impressive, irrigation with NECON water yielded the first harvest of coconuts on trees that had not borne a single fruit in almost 20 years, despite all previous efforts, up until being treated to NECON water.